What happened?
Just after Christmas in 2018, Albert Caballero abducted and assaulted a 25-year-old woman during her visit to his home in Edinburgh. Many workers were already aware of inappropriate behaviour made by Albert Caballero, but reports were not recorded.
The Action Group has pleaded guilty to health & safety at work breaches. The HSE investigation found that the company did not make a suitable and sufficient assessment of the risk Albert Caballero.
Albert Caballero has been sentenced to eight years in prison and will be on the sex offenders register indefinitely.
What to look out for
Types of sexual harassment include:
- sexual comments or jokes
- physical behaviour, including unwelcome sexual advances, touching and various forms of sexual assault
- displaying pictures, photos or drawings of a sexual nature
If you or someone else is being harassed at work, you should make a complaint to your employer or someone senior at work as soon as possible to try and resolve the problem.
Lone worker devices can help
Employers hold the main responsibility for protecting the safety and health of their lone workers. A lone worker device allows the employer to safely monitor their employees when they’re going about their activities away from the workplace. Employees have the ability to raise an alarm for help if they need it.
First2HelpYou have a range of lone worker devices which are ideal for all different types of lone workers. Protect your lone workers, get in touch with one of the team today to discuss your lone worker needs 0333 7729401.