Ensure your employees are fully protected
The most important stage when implementing a new lone worker solution is training. If your employees are not using their device, or they're using it incorrectly, this will not only leave your lone workers vulnerable but it's also a waste of your investment.

Device training
Your employees must be confident and comfortable with their lone worker devices/apps. Lone workers shouldn’t be burdened with hard to use, complicated devices, or have to undergo lots of training just to understand how to use them. That’s why our lone worker devices are simple to use and training is equally as easy – your employees will be comfortable with their devices within a couple of hours.
Safety training
Sometimes, it’s difficult for employees to understand why they need a lone worker device, especially those who’ve never experienced an incident or threat at work.
This is why we’re happy to give your employees some general lone worker safety training. This will cover the following:
- The dangers of lone working
- The importance of personal safety
It’s a great way to show your employees that your priority is to keep them as safe as possible.

Managers training
A good internal safety culture comes from the top and filters down through teams, that’s why we find working in partnership with your team leaders leads to a more effective lone worker solution. In our experience, having your internal employees handle your device estate, provide new user details, and work with us in the case of an alert, is more effective. Manager’s Training ensures those designated managers are informed, equipped and confident.