A lone worker safety product gives employees the ability to take positive action when involved in a potentially dangerous or violent situation. There are multiple benefits to adopting a lone worker safety product and service as part of your safe working culture. We will outline some of the physical and monetary values that lone worker products and services have on your business and employees.
Peace of mind
A lone worker safety product and service can help employers rest assured knowing that their employees are as safe as possible and working within the guidelines stated in the Corporate Manslaughter Act (2007). It is also reassuring for employees as they may face physical/verbal abuse, illness, or injury. In the unfortunate event of a situation like this, they have a discreet communication tool to seek immediate help.
Increase in staff turnover and morale
Employees will feel safer when undertaking their daily tasks. They will feel valued by their organisation as it shows a genuine concern for the welfare of its employees and creates a sense of “my employer cares about me.” A positive stance by the employer adopting a lone worker product and service will also provide empowerment to employees who otherwise may feel helpless – staff who suffer from stressful and threatening situations at work are more likely to leave an organisation.
Reduce sickness/stress
During the years 2019/20, statistics reported by the Labour Force Survey (LFS) show that stress, depression or anxiety, and musculoskeletal disorders accounted for most days lost due to work-related ill health, 17.9 million and 8.9 million, respectively.
- On average, each person suffering took around 17.6 days off work. This varies as follows:9.1 days for Injuries
- 20 days for ill-health cases
- 21.6 days for stress, depression, or anxiety
- 18.4 days for Musculoskeletal disorders
The amount of working days lost is a measurable statistic. But the genuine cost to a business is less easy to measure.
The protection of lone workers is governed by the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act of 2007. The Act came into force in the United Kingdom for all companies and other corporate bodies operating in the UK in the private, public and third sectors.
The Act states that organisations have a duty of care to all their employees to ensure their safety. Organisations can face an unlimited fine if prosecuted and a publicity order. If a publicity order is imposed, the organisation must inform the public of the details of the conviction. Here is an example of a company that was fined for its failure to safeguard a worker who became the victim of abduction, assault, and rape.
Protection from internal and external claims
A lone worker product and service helps ensure that in the event of an internal or external legal claim against your organisation, you have evidence that can protect you against the claim:
- A product and service show you have fulfilled your legal duty of care to your employees.
- If the device is activated during an altercation or incident, recordings will be made of the entire event.
- Recordings can be used in evidence and can be a vital tool in combating false allegations.
You can also reduce the cost and time to investigate by providing a clear recording of an incident. This way, the need for further investigation can be sustainably reduced.
As you can see, there are several reasons why you should have a lone worker product and service in place at your organisation. If you have any questions about what we have discussed or require more details about administering a lone worker product and service for your organisation, contact us on 0333 7729401 or email sales@first2helpyou.co.uk.