5 Reasons to Choose a Lone Worker Application

There are a lot of lone worker solutions out there on the market, different providers, devices and to add to the mix – lone worker applications. It can be confusing trying to choose what solution is best for your lone workers. Most solution first-time buyers often can’t decide between physical devices or smartphone applications but this can usually be decided by carrying out a lone worker risk assessment and finding out what type of lone workers you have.


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Lone Working in the Voluntary Sector

Lone working in the voluntary sector carries specific risks. Voluntary workers have the best interests of others at heart; carrying out jobs and providing services that often takes them away from their own lives to help improve other peoples. They are also some of the most vulnerable types of lone workers. Read on for a further look at the voluntary sector and why charity workers could benefit from lone worker alarms.


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Buyers Guide: Lone Worker Apps Vs Devices

If you are considering buying a lone worker solution, you will have come across a wide range of lone worker apps and devices – it can feel a little bit confusing deciding which solution is the best option for your lone workers.

This post explains some of the key differences between lone worker apps and devices, and what preparation and research you can do before committing to a solution.


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