Working Alone and The Risk of Violence

It is a fact that working alone carries high risks, not only from ill health or adverse conditions, but it also has a higher risk of lone workers being subjected to violence or attack.

In this blog we will explore what the risks of violence and, the effect they have on the employee and the employer, and how they can be reduced.


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Can Working Alone Make You Depressed?

Countless studies show that those who work alone are at higher risk of feeling isolated from their employer and colleagues.

Anyone who has ever been a lone worker, freelanced, or regularly worked from home can identify with the feeling of isolation it brings. It can be easy to go from breakfast to dinner without speaking out loud to another soul, and this can be lonely.


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Working Alone – 5 Tips To Help You Cope

It’s well documented that working alone can cause stress and feelings of isolation, both of which can then impact on physical health. With the additional stress of facing potentially risky situations, there’s no wonder that many lone workers aren’t very satisfied with their jobs or may leave for other professions.


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Lone Working in Health and Social Care

Lone working in the heath and social care sector is high risk, perhaps more so than any other sector.

The breadth of roles, environments, service users, and staff make predicting and controlling the risks very difficult, and adding working alone into the mix only makes it more dangerous.

So it is absolutely vital that health and safety managers have given careful consideration to the risk assessments, and have a robust lone worker policy in place.

In this blog we will discuss the main hazards faced by lone workers in the health and social care sector and give some tips for reducing the risk.


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Types of Lone Workers (Infographic)

In order to work out how best to protect your staff, you must first know what the lone worker risks are. One of the easiest ways to do this is to establish what types of  lone workers your staff are. We find it’s easy to use three distinct categories, each of which represent a variety of job roles; public lone workers, mobile lone workers and fixed location lone workers.

Our handy infographic breaks down each type of lone worker and the risks they face.


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Lone Working in the Voluntary Sector

Lone working in the voluntary sector carries specific risks. Voluntary workers have the best interests of others at heart; carrying out jobs and providing services that often takes them away from their own lives to help improve other peoples. They are also some of the most vulnerable types of lone workers. Read on for a further look at the voluntary sector and why charity workers could benefit from lone worker alarms.


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What Is a Lone Worker?

A lone worker is, as the name suggests, someone who works alone. But the confusion comes when we consider that a lone worker might not always actually be on their own.

If you are responsible for the health and safety of your colleagues or staff you might have heard the phrase ‘lone worker’ before, but the meaning of it can often be misinterpreted.

Lets find out the answer to the question, ‘what is a lone worker?’.


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The Best Type of Lone Worker Alarms

Welcome to First2HelpYou and our blog. We are a new business to enter the lone worker alarms market and we are delighted to just this week, bring our innovative products and service offering to the table. We might be the new kids on the block, but with a few industry experienced brains working away in the background we naturally decided to establish a blog and a knowledge bank, where we can talk about all things lone workerish.


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