Lone Worker Safety Tips – Our Top Three (Infographic)

Employers have a duty to look after and protect their lone workers, but if you work alone you also have an obligation to help keep yourself safe. Our lone worker safety tips can help with that.

Personal safety is so important and when you are out and about, on your own, there is only so much your employer can do to help keep you away from harm. Having your wits about you and being aware of the hazards at all times is as important as carrying a lone worker device or your employer having a good lone worker policy in place.


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Lone Workers in Retail – The Risks

Lone workers in retail are under threat.

Lone working is a scary enough job but some sectors face higher threats, particularly verbal or physical violence. On such sector is retail. Earlier this year, The British Retail Consortium’s (BRC) annual Retail Crime Survey revealed a worrying spike in violence against retail staff, with the number of incidents happening at twice the rate of last year’s survey.


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Seasonal Effects on Lone Workers

Lone working can come with its risks, but at different times of the year, there can be certain seasonal effects which accentuate these hazards, or bring new ones. Knowing the Seasonal effects on lone workers can help to keep them safe, happy, and productive.

Lone workers should not be put at a greater risk than other employees, but the nature of their work can mean that frequently they are. While many workers are affected by seasonal changes, especially when it comes to commuting, lone workers may find themselves more exposed, sometimes literally.

Here we look at the potential effects of the changing seasons on lone workers.


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